MoReq2010 Consultation
- Englisch
MoReq2010 Core Requirements DRAFT v0.92, September 2010
Concept Collaboration – Outcomes
MoReq2010 Public Consultation Announcement, 9. Juni 2010
MoReq2010 Consultation Portal Launched - Request for contributions
MoReq2010 Consultation
MoReq2 Requirements
- Englisch
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0.4 (außer Anhang 9) Version 2008, Format: PDF (1.3 MB)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0.4 (außer Anhang 9) Version September 2008, Format: MS Word 2003 (3.7 MB)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0.4 (außer Anhang 9) Version September 2008, Format: MS Word 2007 (docx) (0.7 MB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0.4 Version September 2008, Format: PDF (0.5 MB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0.4 Version September 2008, Format: MS Word 2003 (2.3 MB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0.4 Version September 2008, Format: MS Word 2007 (docx) (0.3 MB)
Vorangegangene Entwürfe; nur zu Dokumentationszwecken
- Englisch
MoReq2 Scoping Report des DLM Forum, 2006 - Grundlage für die Entwicklung von MoReq2
MoReq2 Requirements Entwurf Version 2, September 2007 (PDF)
MoReq2 Requirements Entwurf Version 3, Oktober 2007 (PDF)
MoReq2 Requirements Entwurf Version 4, 9. November 2007 (PDF)
MoReq2 Metadatenmodell Version 5, Januar 2008 (PDF)
MoReq2 Covernote zu Version 5 Erläuterungen, Januar 2008 (PDF)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett Version 5, Januar 2008 (ZIP mit PDFs), eingereicht bei der Europäischen Kommission
MoReq2 Changelog 1.0.1 Änderungen März 2008 (PDF)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0 Februar 2008 (außer Anhang 9) (PDF, 1.29 MB)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0 Februar 2008 (außer Anhang 9) (MS Word 2003, 3.51 MB)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0 Februar 2008 (außer Anhang 9) (MS Word 2007 (docx), 751 KB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0 Februar 2008 (PDF, 481 KB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0 Februar 2008 (MS Word 2003, 2.20 MB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0 Februar 2008 (MS Word 2007 (docx), 249 KB)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0.1 (außer Anhang 9) März 2008 (PDF, 1.3 MB)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0.1 (außer Anhang 9) März 2008 (MS Word 2003, 3.7 MB)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0.1 (außer Anhang 9) März 2008 (MS Word 2007 (docx), 0.7 MB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0.1 März 2008 (PDF, 0.5 MB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0.1 März 2008 (MS Word 2003, 2.3 MB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0.1 März 2008 (MS Word 2007 (docx), 0.3 MB)
MoReq2 Changelog Version 1.0.2 April 2008 (PDF)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0.2 (außer Anhang 9) April 2008, Format: PDF (1.3 MB)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0.2 (außer Anhang 9) April 2008, Format: MS Word 2003 (3.7 MB)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0.2 (außer Anhang 9) April 2008, Format: MS Word 2007 (docx) (0.7 MB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0.2 April 2008, Format: PDF (0.5 MB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0.2 April 2008, Format: MS Word 2003 (2.3 MB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0.2 April 2008, Format: MS Word 2007 (docx) (0.3 MB)
MoReq2 Changelog Version 1.0.3 Juni 2008 (PDF)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0.3 (außer Anhang 9) Druckversion Juni 2008, Format: PDF (1.3 MB)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0.3 (außer Anhang 9) Druckversion Juni 2008, Format: MS Word 2003 (3.7 MB)
MoReq2 Requirements komplett, Version 1.0.3 (außer Anhang 9) Druckversion Juni 2008, Format: MS Word 2007 (docx) (0.7 MB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0.3 Druckversion Juni 2008, Format: PDF (0.5 MB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0.3 Druckversion Juni 2008, Format: MS Word 2003 (2.3 MB)
MoReq2 Anhang 9, Version 1.0.3 Druckversion Juni 2008, Format: MS Word 2007 (docx) (0.3 MB)
MoReq2 Changelog Version 1.0.4 September 2008 (PDF)
MoReq2 XML Schema
- Englisch
MoReq2 Schema Version 1.04, September 2008 (ZIP mit XSDs)
Vorangegangene Entwürfe; nur zu Dokumentationszwecken
- Englisch
MoReq2 Schema Entwurf Version 1.02, April 2008 (ZIP mit XSDs)
MoReq2 Schema Entwurf Version 1.03, Juni 2008 (ZIP mit XSDs)
MoReq2 Test Framework
- Englisch
MoReq2 Test Framework, June 2008, Final Version
MoReq2 Test Framework (Core) Kernmodule 3 bis 9 (ZIP)
Moreq2 Test Framework (Optional) Ergänzungsmodule 10.1 bis 10.13 (ZIP)
T1 Introduction (-)
T2 Overview of the Test Framework (-)
T3 Classification Scheme and File Organisation (TD3 Testdaten)
T4 Controls and Security (TD4 Testdaten)
T5 Retention and Disposition (TD5 Testdaten)
T6 Capturing and Declaring Records (TD6 Testdaten)
T7 Referencing (TD7 Testdaten)
T8 Searching, Retrieval and Presentation (TD8 Testdaten)
T9 Administrative Functions (TD9 Testdaten)
T10.1 Management of Physical (Non-electronic) Files and Records (TD10.1 Testdaten)
T10.2 Disposition of Physical Records (TD10.2 Testdaten)
T10.3 Document Management and Collaborative Working (TD10.3 Testdaten)
T10.4 Workflow (TD10.4 Testdaten)
T10.05 Casework (TD10.5 Testdaten)
T10.6 Integration with Content Management Systems (TD10.6 Testdaten)
T10.7 Electronic Signatures (TD10.7 Testdaten)
T10.8 Encryption (TD10.8 Testdaten)
T10.9 Digital Rights Management (not testable)
T10.10 Distributed Systems (-)
T10.11 Offline and Remote Working (TD10.11 Testdaten)T10.12 Fax Integration (TD10.12 Testdaten)
T10.13 Security Categories (TD10.13 Testdaten)
Vorangegangene Entwürfe; nur zu Dokumentationszwecken
- Englisch
MoReq2 Survey des Test Framework Version 1, März 2008, PDF
Test Framework, 2008, Draft
MoReq2 Testszenarien Entwurf Version 2, Oktober 2007, ZIP mit PDFs - nur zum Review
MoReq2 Testdaten Entwurf Version 3, Januar 2008, ZIP mit WORDs - nur zum Review
MoReq2 Testkriterien Kapitel 1 (Einführung)
Moreq2 Testkriterien Kapitel 2 (Methodik)
MoReq2 Testframework Einführung in das Testframework und die Methodik, Februar 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 3 Classification Scheme, Februar 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 4 Controls & Security, Februar 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 5 Retention & Disposition, Februar 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 6 Capturing, Februar 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 7 Referencing, Februar 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 8 Search, Retrieval & Presentation, Februar 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 9 Administrative Functions, März 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 10.01 Management of physical records, März 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 10.02 Disposition of physical Records, März 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 10.03 Document Management & Colloborative Work, März 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 10.04 Workflow, März 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 10.05 Casework, März 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 10.06 Integration with Content Management Systems, März 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 10.07 Electronic Signature, März 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 10.08 Encryption, März 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 10.09 Digital Rights Management (nicht testbar)
MoReq2 Testmodule 10.10 Distributed Systems, März 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 10.11 Offline und Remote Working, März 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 10.12 Fax Integration, März 2008, ZIP
MoReq2 Testmodule 10.13 Security Classes, März 2008, ZIP
Akkreditierte Testcenter für MoReq2
- imbus AG, 91096 Möhrendorf , Deutschland
Herr Thomas Rumi, info@imbus.de , Tel. +49 9131 7518-0
Zertifizierte Records Management Produkte
- Fabasoft “Folio” Version 9.0.3 (31.07.2009 | Core & Optional Modules)
MoReq2-Broschüren der Europäischen Kommission
- BG Balgarski: Проспект
- CS Čeština: Leták
- DA Dansk: Leaflet
- DE Deutsch: Gebrauchsinformation
- ET Eesti keel: Infoleht
- EL Elliniká: Φυλλάδιο
- EN English: Leaflet
- ES Español: Folleto
- FR français: Dépliant
- IT Italiano: Foglio
- LV Latviesu Valoda: Lapiņa
- LT Lietuviu Kalba: Lapelis
- HU Magyar Valoda: Röplap
- MT Malti: Fuljett
- NL Nederlands: Brochure
- PL Polski: Ulotka
- PT Português: Folheto
- RO Româna: Pliantul
- SK Slovenčina: Leták
- SL Slovenščina: Leaflet
- SV Svenska: Flygblad
- FI Suomi: Pakkausselosteen
Anleitungen und Dokumentationen zu MoReq2
- Englisch
“EDRMS Standards – a critical evaluation of the benefits of superseding national standards with European models focusing on TNA 2002 replacement by MoReq2″ (Anonymisiert) | Wilhelm, P. | 2008 | MSc thesis | Northumbria University, UK | http://www.project-consult.net/Files/Anonymized EDRMS Standards MSc thesis by Wilhelm.pdf - Französisch
Anleitung zur zukünftigen Umsetzung von MoReq in Frankreich (keine Übersetzung von MoReq; November 2007)
http://www.fntc.org/articles/IMG/pdf/Appriv_Moreq_Sponsor_2-3.pdf (IALTA/fntc)
Übersetzungen von MoReq2
- Französisch
MoReq2 Requirements (Exigences types pour la maitrise de l’archivage électronique) Archives de France, Dezember 2008, PDF 1,6 MB
MoReq2 Requirements Annexes (Exigences types pour la maitrise de l’archivage électronique) Archives de France, Dezember 2008, PDF 1,7 MB
MoReq2 Chapter 0 Archives de France, Dezember 2008, PDF 1,4 MB
Spécifications MoReq2 - Texte principal Archives de France [The DLM Forum has not attempted validation because of insufficient resources] - Tchechisch
(sobald online verfügbar) - Russisch
Спецификации MoReq2 [The DLM Forum has not attempted validation because of insufficient resources] - Slowenisch
SPECIFIKACIJA MoReq2 [The DLM Forum has not attempted validation because of insufficient resources]
MoReq (MoReq1; ursprüngliche Version von 2002)
- Englisch (Originalvorlage für die Übersetzungen)
MoReq1_EN.pdf - Tschechisch
MOREQ1_CZ.pdf - Spanisch
MOREQ1_ES.pdf - Französisch
MOREQ1_FR.pdf - Ungarisch
MOREQ1_HU.pdf - Italienisch
MOREQ1_IT.pdf - Niederländisch
Softwarespecificaties voor Records Management Applicaties voor de Nederlandse Overheid (Remano)
MOREQ1_NL.pdf - Portugiesisch
MOREQ1_PT.pdf - Russisch
MOREQ1_RU.pdf - Slowenisch
MOREQ1_SLO.pdf - Kroatisch
MoReq - model zahtjeva za upravljanje elektronickim zapisima : specifikacija MoReq
Prijevod s engleskog jezika Tomislav Cepulic, Snjezana Ivanovic
Zagreb, Hrvatski drzavni arhiv, 2003, ISBN 953-6005-58-1
(diese Version ist nicht Online vefügbar) - Brasilianisch
(demnächst online)
Links zu Trägern und Organisationen von MoReq2
- Auftraggeber für die MoReq Standards
Europäische Kommission | IDA - Träger der MoReq Standards
MoReq - Entwickler des MoReq Standards (MoReq und MoReq2)
Inforesight Limited (ehemals SERCO (ehemals Cornwell Management Consultants)) - MGB MoReq Governance Board
MoReq Governance Board
Europäische Kommission: Seiten zu MoReq2
- Deutsch
DLM Forum
Archivierungspolitik der Europäischen Kommission - MoReq - Englisch
DLM Forum
Archival Policy of the European Kommission - MoReq
http://ec.europa.eu/transparency/archival_policy/moreq/spec_moreq2_en.htm - Französisch
DLM Forum
Commission Européenne Politique d’Archivage - MoReq
MoReq Governance
- MoReq2 Translation Guidelines
Guidance for those wishing to translate the MoReq2 specification
Moreq2_MoReq2_Translation_Guidance_v1_0_091012.pdf - MoReq2 Chapter Zero Guidelines
Guidance for authors and reviewers of a Chapter Zero to MoReq2
MoReq2_Chapter_Zero_Guidelines_v1_0_091012.pdf - MoReq2 Translation Validation Process
Describes how the MGB validates a translation of the MoReq2 specification
MoReq2_Translation_Process_v1_0_091012.pdf - MoReq2 Chapter Zero Validation Process
Describes how the MGB validates a MoReq2 Chapter Zero
MoReq2_Process_for_Chapter_Zero_Validation_v1_0_091012.pdf - MoReq2 Translator’s Copyright Agreement
Standard text of the MoReq2 copyright licence agreement with the European Commission
Moreq2_Standard_MoReq_licence_SG-OPOCE.pdf - MoReq2 Figures for Translators
Editable copies of figures used in MoReq2, with guidance on their use
Standards im Records Management / Andere Spezifikationen
- Zusammenstellung im PROJECT CONSULT Newsletter 20070529
http://www.documanager.de/magazin/artikel_1541.html - Andere Standards/Spezifikationen
“5015.02″ | Electronic Records Management Software Applications Design Criteria Standard | Joint Interoperability Test Command, Department of Defense, United States of America | Version 3, 2007 | p50152stdapr07.pdf
“PRO 2002 Specification” | Specification for electronic records management systems published by the Public Record Office in the UK in 2002 – commonly known as PRO2002, PRO02, or TNA02. Includes volume 1 (Functional Requirements), volume 2 (Metadata Standard), volume 3 (Reference Document, updated 2007), Optional Module B.4 (Case Management and Workflow, published 2005), volume 4 (Implementation Guidance, published 2004) | PRO2002.zip
“ICAEW Specification” | A specification for Electronic Record and Document Management Systems [sic] published by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Due to be superseded in late 2009. Inforesight recommends that this should not be used for records management | Evaluation_Questionnaire(2004_approx).doc
“Records Management Service Components Requirements Development Project, Final Report” | Published by the National Archives and Records Administration Records Management Service Components Program (RMSC) | 2005 | rmsc0305.pdf
“MoReq-Jus” | MoReq-Jus: Modelo de Requisitos para Sistemas Informatizados de Gestão de Processos e Documentos do Judiciário brasileiro | Versão 1.2, 2009 | MoReq_Jus_revisado_versao1_2_ jul_2009.pdf
“e-ARQ Brasil” | Modelo de requisitos para sistemas informatizados de gestão arquivística de documentos, v1 | Published by the National Council of Archives of Brazil | 2006 | e-ARQ.pdf
“DOMEA-Anforderungskatalog 2.0″ | DOMEA 2.0 Requirements Catalogue - German national standard | domea_anforderungskatalog_2_0[1].pdf
“Electronic RecordKeeping Systems Standard” | New Zealand standard | published by Archives New Zealand | 2005 | ERSS.pdf
“Electronic Records Management System (ERMS) System Specifications for Public Offices” | National Archives of Malaysia | Spesifikasi_Pengurusan_Rekod_Elektronik[1].pdf
“Leistungskatalog GEVER-Anwendungen” | Das Dokument enthält eine Liste von generischen Anforderungen an GEVER-Anwendungen. Es gründet sich auf die Anforderungen und Ablaufregeln, die in den Rechtsgrundlagen und den Standards P019 - Geschäftsmodell GEVER und P023 - Verfahren und Funktionen der GEVER vorgegeben sind. | Bundes Archiv (BAR), Schweiz | Leistungskatalog_GEVER_Anwendungen_v1-0_2004-06-28_genehmigt_d[1].pdf
“ICA Requirements” | Principles and Functional Requirements for Records in Electronic Office Environments - Modules 1, 2 and 3 (ZIP file) | Published by International Council on Archives | 2008 | ICA-Guidelines-Principles_and_Functional_Requirements.zip
“NOARK 5″ | Noark 5 versjon 2.0 : Standard for elektronisk arkiv; Vedlegg 1: Metadatakatalog; Vedlegg 2: Metadata gruppert på objekter. | Publisert 3. april 2009 | NOARK5.zip
“NOARK-4″ | NOARK-4, Norwegian recordkeeping system standard. Part I: Functional description and specification of requirements, 1999 (English version 2000; this is the only Part translated into English) | Noark-eng.pdf
“RDIM” | Records/Document/Information Management (RDIM): Integrated Document Management System for the Government of Canada | 1996 | RDIM_1996[1].pdf
“ReMANO 2004″ | Softwarespecificaties voor Records Management Applicaties voor de Nederlandse Overheid | Archiefschool (Nederlands Institut voor Archiefonderwus en –Onderzoek) | 2004 | ReMANO_2004.pdf
“VERS” | The Victorian Electronic Records Strategy (VERS): Management of Electronic Records PROS 99/007 (Version 2) | Public Record Office of Victoria (Australia) | 2003 | VERS_v2-1.zip
“Functional Specifications for Electronic Records Management Systems Software” | Recordkeeping Specification published by the National Archives of Australia | 2006 | ERMSspecifications_tcm2-1007.pdf
“SÄHKE2″ | SÄHKE2 , the Finnish national standard for electronic records management | 2008 | SAHKE2.zip
“Draft Functional Specification for Integrated Document and Records Management Solutions” | Published by National Archives and Records Service of South Africa | 2004 | Note: this is thought to have been withdrawn. | nars_funct_spec.pdf
Ergebnisse des DLM Forums, Härnösand, 04./05.11.2009
- Programme Introduction, DLM Forum and MoReq Governance Board update (Martin Waldron, DLM Forum Secretariat)
Programme Introduction, DLM Forum and MoReq Governance Board update - Building the future by exploiting the past - MoReq Roadmap & DLM Forum Business Plan (Jon Garde, MGB - Maintenance and Innovation & DLM Secretary)
Building the future by exploiting the past - MoReq2 Certification and Compliance Feedback and Experiences From Testing the First ERMS Product (Karl Mayrhofer, MGB - Testing and Certification)
MoReq2 Certification and Compliance Feedback and Experiences - Certification and Compliance - Open Text and MoReq2 (Tracy Caughell, Open Text Corporation)
Certification and Compliance - Open Text and MoReq2
Ergebnisse des DLM Forums, Prag, 21./22.04.2009
- Information on the programme and DLM Forum update (Toivo Jullinen, DLM Chairman; Hanns Köhler-Krüner, DLM Secretariat)
Information on the programme and DLM Forum update - Theory and practice of DRMS - background and experiences (Mr. Miroslav Cejka and Mr. Jan Kokes, GORDIC)
Theory and practice of DRMS - background and experiences - An Implementation of MoReq2 – Czech Experiences (Michal Wanner, Ministry of Interior)
An Implementation of MoReq2 – Czech Experiences - MoReq2 Governance Board - Who are we?, What is our mission?, What have we done to date?, What is our road map?, What are the challenges, How you can contribute (Martin Waldron, Inform consult, MoReq Governance Board)
MoReq2 Governance Board - Update on MoReq2 - “a year ofMoReq2″ (Marc Fresko - Inforesight Limited, MoReq Governance Board)
Update on MoReq2 - French Experience of producing Chapter 0 (Jean-François Moufflet, Direction des Archives de France)
French Experience of producing Chapter 0 - Essential MoReq2 (Jon Garde, Objective Corporation, MoReq Governance Board)
Essential MoReq2 - Spreading the MoReq Message: Taking the DLM Forum and MoReq to a Wider Audience that Needs Us (Rory Staunton, Strategy Partners, MoReq Governance Board)
Spreading the MoReq Message
Ergebnisse des DLM Forums, Toulouse, 10. - 12.12.2008
- DLM Forum 2008 Conclusions (DLM Forum Scientific Committee)
Französisch Conclusions FR
Englisch Conclusions EN - MoReq2 and how to use it (Marc Fresko; SERCO, MoReq Governance Board)
MoReq2 how to use it - Records Management Market Study DACH 2008 (Ulrich Kampffmeyer; PROJECT CONSULT, MoReq Governance Board)
RM & MoReq2 Market Study in Germany, Austria & Switzerlandd 2007/2008 - Breaking the Barriers of Traditional Records Management (Ulrich Kampffmeyer; PROJECT CONSULT, MoReq Governance Board)
Breaking the Barriers (Folien), Breaking the Barriers (Text) - MoReq2 and the Romanian Framework (Lucia Stefan, Arhivaria; Bogdan-Florin Popovici, National Archives of Romania)
Part 1
Part 2 - La traduction française de MoReq2 (Marie-Anne Chabin, Archive 17)
La traduction française de MoReq2 - DLM Forum Conference Toulouse 2008 | Actes des colloques / Proceedings, Archives de France, April 2009. Vol 1 Band 1 Vol 2 Band 2
Ergebnisse des DLM Forums, Ljubliana, 08./09.04.2008
- MoReq2 Test Framework (Thomas Rumi; Imbus, MoReq2 Test Framework Author)
MoReq2 Test Framework - Governance of MoReq2 Requirements (Ian MacFarlane; The National Archives, DLM Forum Executive Committee Chair)
MoReq2 Governance
Ergebnisse des DLM Forums, Lissabon, 22./23.11.2007
- DLM Forum Update (Atle Skjekkeland; AIIM, DLM Forum Secretary)
DLM Forum Update - MoReq2 Progress Report (Marc Fresko; SERCO, MoReq2 Author & Editor)
MoReq2 Status Report November 2007 Lisbon - MoReq2 Chapter „0“ (Malcolm Todd; The National Archives; DLM Forum MoReq2 Review Board)
MoReq2 Chapter Zero - Records Management and Archival for the Future (Peter Horsman; Archief School, MoReq2 Editorial Board)
Recordsmanagement in the Future
Ergebnisse des DLM Forums, Berlin, 25./26.04.2007
- MoReq2 Project Update (Marc Fresko, Cornwell Management Consultants)
MoReq2 Project Update - MoReq2 Review Group Update (Ian Macfarlane, National Archives of the UK on behalf of the MoReq2 Review Group)
MoReq2 Review Group Update - MoReq2 Conformance Testing (Betsy Fanning, AIIM)
MoReq2 Conformance Testing
Ergebnisse des DLM Forums, Helsinki, 16./17.11.2006
- MoReq 2: Update from the European Commission (Jef Schram, European Commission)
MoReq 2: Update from the European Commission
Ergebnisse des DLM Forums, Budapest, 05.-07.10.2005
- Plans for the MoReq (Model Requirements for Management of Electronic Records) (Ian Macfarlane, The National Archives of the UK)
Presentation - Scoping Report for Development of the Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records (MoReq2) (The DLM Forum Working Group, Version 2, September 2005)
Moreq2_12a_scopingreportmoreq2_06-10-0.pdf - How normal is normalisation? On the use of MoReq as starting point for standardising software-specifications for Records management software in the Netherlands (Hans Waalwijk, Archiefschool, Netherlands)
Tagungs- und Seminardokumentationen zu MoReq2
- Deutsch
Tagungswebseite zur Veranstaltung “DOMEA, MoReq & Co. - Der praktische Nutzung von Normen & Standards für die Schriftgutverwaltung” am 05.06.2008, Koblenz
Vortrag Vera Zahnhausen “MoReq und MoReq2″
PROJECT CONSULT Unternehmensberatung GmbH
Records Management Roadshow 2009
Tagungsband mit Beiträgen von PROJECT CONSULT, AIIM, SAPERION, DGI e.V., SER, imbus, Iron Mountain Digital, IBM, T-Systems und Open Text (PDF)
Multimediaaufzeichnung mit Videos, Präsentationen etc.
Marktuntersuchung Records Management in DACH 2008
Records Management & MoReq2 Roadshow 2008
Tagungsband mit Beiträgen von Bundeskanzleramt (Österreich), Bundesverwaltungsamt (Deutschland), Fabasoft, HTW (Schweiz), Hyperwave, IBM, PROJECT CONSULT und Saperion (PDF)
Multimediaaufzeichnung mit Videos, Präsentationen etc.
MoReq2 Roadshow 2007
Tagungsband mit Beiträgen von Hyperwave, IBM, Meridio, PROJECT CONSULT und Saperion (PDF)
Artikel und Vorträge zu MoReq2
- Deutsch
MoReq2 Poster für das Informationsforum “DOMEA, MoReq & Co - Der praktische Nutzen von Normen und Standards für die Schriftgutverwaltung” im Bundesarchiv | 5. Juni 2008 | Moreq2_DOMEA_MoReq_und_Co_poster.pdf
MoReq2 Präsentation für das Informationsforum “DOMEA, MoReq & Co - Der praktische Nutzen von Normen und Standards für die Schriftgutverwaltung” im Bundesarchiv | Vera Zahnhausen | 5. Juni 2008 | Moreq2_DOMEA_MoReq_und_Co_MoReq2_Präsentation.pdf
“Saperion-Experten erklären MoReq2, CMIS und JCR” | Computerwoche article about records management standards | 2009 |http://www.project-consult.net/Files/Moreq2___www.computerwoche.de_software_bi-ecm_1909921_.pdf
“Standards im Records Management & MoReq2″ | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | 31. DGI-Online-Tagung 2009 | Frankfurt | 15. Oktober 2009 | http://www.project-consult.net/Files/20091015_DGI_Handout.pptx
“MoReq & MoReq2″ | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | 2009 | http://www.project-consult.net/Files/Records Management_20090819_Kff_2.pdf
“MoReq2 – Requirements, XML-Schema, Datenmodell, Besonderheiten, aktuelle Entwicklungen” | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | Records Management Roadshow 2009 | Frankfurt und München | 12. und 14. Mai 2009 | http://www.project-consult.net/Files/20090512_RMR_MoReq2_Kff_show.pps
“Records Management – Standards, Nutzen und Einsatzgebiete” | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | Records Management Roadshow 2009 | Frankfurt und München | 12. und 14. Mai 2009 | http://www.project-consult.net/Files/20090512_RMR_Records_Management_Kff_show.pps
“Records Management und MoReq2″ | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | BBK Kolloqium | Humboldt Universität Berlin | 13. Januar 2009 | http://www.project-consult.net/Files/20090113_BKK_Records-Management_Kff_Show.pps
“Records Management” | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | PROJECT CONSULT Newsletter 20080903 | Ausgabe 3. September 2008 | Seite 27-29 | ISSN 1439-0809 | http://pcnewsletter.coextant.info/Content.aspx?DOC_UNID=6c62f19520fb4491002574ba005bb1c8
“MoReq2 – Ein europäischer Standard für elektronisches Records Management” | Jürg Hagmann, Ausschuss E-Archiv des VSA | Prof. Dr. Niklaus Stettler, HTW Chur | 2008 | http://www.arbido.ch/userdocs/documents/MoReq2-Arbido-Mai-V05%20FINAL.pdf
MoReq Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Records | Wikipedia.de
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/MoReq - Englisch
“Going global: Developing globally harmonised software specifications for records” | Adrian Cunningham | National Archives of Australia | Moreq2_adrian-cunningham-08_tcm2-13017[1].pdf
“A Comparison of Moreq and SÄHKE Metadata and Functional Requirements” | Professor Pekka Hennttonen | The paper compares MoReq and SÄHKE specifications to see their differences and similarities, and it seeks to find out whether there is an easy way for harmonizing them. Originally published in the Records Management Journal volume 19 issue 1. | Moreq2_HenttonenRMJ12009-2.pdf
“The Archival Function: Strategic Value for Organizations” | Alfonso Dávila Oliveda | E-DOCPA 2006 in Oviedo | Moreq2_THE_ARCHIVAL_FUNCTION-STRATEGIC_VALUE_FOR_ORGANIZATIONS.pdf
“Organizational aspect of trusted legally valid long-term electronic archive solution” | Paper from WSEAS Transactions on Information Science & Applications, by Halas, Porekar, Klobučar, Blažič, Issue 6, Volume 5 | 2008 | Moreq2_Organisational_aspects-Slovenian_paper.pdf
“Record keeping standards confuse users, vendors” | Article in Computerworld New Zealand, focussing on the ICA standard and it relationship to MoReq/MoReq2 | Moreq2_Computerworld_New_Zealand_on_ERMS_and_Moreq_2008.1.28.pdf
“Archival requirements in record keeping systems” | Markus Merenmies | Finnish National Archives | Moreq2_DLM-article(FI).pdf
“Electronic Records Management System Requirements” | Presentation at INFuture 2009 Conference | Marko Lukičić | Zagreb | 2009 | Moreq2_Electronic_Records_Management_System_Requirements.pdf
“MoReq2 and the Romanian Framework” | Presentation about MoReq2 in Romania | Lucia Stefan and Bogdan-Florin Popovici | 2008 | Moreq2_moreq2-romanian-framework.ppt
“Electronic Recordkeeping Systems Standard (ERKSS) Review” | Electronic Recordkeeping Systems Standard (ERKSS) Review | Archives New Zealand | 2009 | Moreq2_New_Zealand_ERKSS_Review_Presentation(SEE SLIDE 33).pdf
“MoReq2 - a European Contribution” | Marc Fresko | Slides presented at DigCCurr 2009, in support of the paper with the same title | Moreq2_MoReq2-a_European_Contribution-DigCCurr2009-slides.pdf
“A tale of two ERMS specifications” | ICA (International Council on Archives) “flying reporter” blog article about MoReq2 and the ICA specification | Moreq2___icadlm.wordpress.com_2008_12_13_a-tale-of-two-erms-speci.pdf
“Interview with Toivo Jullinen, president of the DLM Forum” | ICA (International Council on Archives) “flying reporter” blog interview | DLM Forum triennial conference | Toulouse | 2008 | Moreq2___icadlm.wordpress.com_2008_12_11_interview-with-toivo-jul.pdf
“Records Management & MoReq2″ | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | innova.doc | Barcelona | 6.10.2009 | http://www.project-consult.net/Files/20091006_InnovaDoc_Barcelona_Kff_Show.pptx
“MoReq2″ Press Release | 2008
“MoReq2 Nouveau est Arrivé - Or a new tool to help you manage your documents and records” | The Evaluation Centre website | Document Management section | Expert opinion | 2008
“MoReq2: the New Model for Developing, Procuring Electronic Records Management Systems” | Information Management Journal | 1. Juli 2008
“A New Era in Document Management” | Multimedia-Präsentation mit Audio, Video und Folien | rightERP.org.uk | 2008
MoReq2 and how to use it “MoReq2 and how to use it” | Marc Fresko | DLM Forum Toulouse | 11.12.2008
RM Marktstudie DACH 2007/2008 Folien “Records Management Market Study DACH 2008″ | Ulrich Kampffmeyer DLM Forum Toulouse | 11.12.2008
Breaking the Barriers of Traditional Records Management | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | DLM Forum Toulouse | 12.12.2008
“Making MoReq2 Work for You” | Whitepaper für EMC von Inform-Consult | 2008
“An evaluation of MoReq2 in the context of national EDRMS standard developments in the UK and Europe” | Philip Wilhelm | Records Management Journal | 2009 19/2 | Emerald - Chinesisch
“EU Electronic Records Management Standard 2nd Edition Now Available” | Beijing Archives Journal | 2008 - Tschechisch
“MoReq2 se pravděpodobně stane i českým standardem pro elektronickou spisovou službu” | MoReq2 is likely to become the Czech standard for electronic records management | Miloslav Ondilla | 23 Juni 2008 - Niederländisch
“MoReq2″ | Verslag van Matthias Hallin, Europese Commissie | Moreq2_20090911_Verslag_Hallin_Mattias_door_Michielsen_Els (Belgium).pdf
“Normering voor RMA’s” | Presentatie door Decos Software Engineering, April 2009 | Moreq2_ERM_Standards_Presentation_(Dutch,2009).pdf
“MoReq2 in een notendop” | “MoReq2 in a nutshell” | Jeroen Poppe | “SITED” electronic monthly (Netherlands) | Oktober 2008 | Band 10 | Nr. 95 | Seite 2-3 | ISSN 1566-3892 - Finnisch
“Mistä MoReq2 on tehty” | What’s happened with MoReq2?” | Pekka Henttonen | “Faili” (journal for records managers and archivists) | Nr. 2 | 2008 | Seite 20-21 - Spanisch
“Vocabularis de metadades” | Grup d’Innovació Tecnològica, Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicaió | 2008 | Moreq2_[ca]_20080425_vocabularis.pdf
“Gestión Documental y Administración Electrónica” | Presentación de XXXIII Reunión Nacional CIAPEM Pachuca-Hidalgo; Ramon Alberch i Fugueras | Moreq2_EMA-DOCUDIG.ppt
“Exitosa actualización de MoReq2 con la colaboración de SER” | Nota de prensa | 2008 | Moreq2_(ES)(PRaW)pn_moreq2_esx[1].pdf
“Innova.doc” | Front page and conclusions page of the Innova.Doc_09 conference on MoReq2 | Barcelona | 2009 | Moreq2___innovadoc.cat_cast_index.zip
“ITGD. Butlletí: MoReq2″ | Article Buletin | 2008 | Moreq2_[ca]_ITGD_Boletin_Marzo2008_cast.pdf
http://www.csi.map.es/csi/pg5m52.htm ” …” Modelo de Requisitos para la Gestión Documentos Electróniques de Archivo: Especificación MoReq | Gobierno de Espana | Ministeria de Administrationes Publicas - Italienisch
“Sintesi commentata dei nuovi requisiti modello” “A commented synthesis of the new Model Requirements” | Professor Maria Guercio | University of Urbino - Französisch
“MoReq2 (livre blanc de Digitech SA)” | Frédéric Matthey - Digitech SA | Moreq2_Matthey_paper_Switzerland(FR).pdf
“Un contexte normatif très enrichi : Moreq2 à la rencontre du Modèle OAIS” | Marie-Anne Chabin, Archive17 | Séminaire Aristote | 2008 | Moreq2_Moreq2_à_la_rencontre_du_Modèle_OAIS.pdf
“Apprivoiser MoReq” | “Taming MoReq” | IALTA | 2008
MoReq Model Requirements for the Management of Electronic Documents and Records | Wikipedia.fr http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_Requirements_for_the_Management_of_Electronic_Documents_and_Records - Russisch
“Об эффективности электронного документооборота и государственном регулировании в сфере документационного обеспечения управления” | Автор Афанасьев Сергей Иванович, исполнительный директор Региональной общественной организации «Гильдия Управляющих Документацией» | Moreq2_afanasiev_paper.doc
“Опыт публичного обсуждения важнейших нормативных документов: на примере спецификаций MoReq2″ | Case Study of Public Review Process of the MoReq2 Specifications | Natasha Khramtovsky | From “Enterprise Records Management” (Делопроизводство и документооборот на предприятии), ISSN 1815-2740 | 2008 | Moreq2_Public_Review_Process_of_the_MoReq2_Specification.pdf
“Электронный документооборот и управление записями на платформе EMC Documentum как инструмент для борьбы с коррупцией” | Electronic document and records management on the EMC Documentum platform as a tool to combat corruption | Vladimir Drozhzhinov, Chairman, Center of Excellence for Electronic Government | 2008 | Moreq2_EDRM_to_combat_corruption_(Russian).pdf
“Международные стандарты функциональных требований к системам электронного документооборота” | Храмцовская Наталья Александровна, ведущий эксперт по управлению документацией компании «Электронные Офисные Системы» | Moreq2_15_ppt.ppt
“О миссии общественных организаций в сотрудничестве между правительственными органами и сектором кибербезопасности” | IV Международная конференция«Инициативы «электронного правительства -2009»Республика Казахстан Астана 29 октября 2009 года. (IV International Conference e-government-2009 “The mission of public organisations in cooperation between government and cybersecurity”, 2009) | MoReq2_International_Conference_e-government-2009.ppt
“Основные требования к системам управленияэлектронными документами в органах власти насовременном этапе развития технологий и законодательнаябаза с позиций Европейской спецификации MoReq2″ | Detailed presentation about MoReq2 | Aleksandr E. Zagoruiko | Moreq2_[ru]_zagoruyko.pdf
“Об игре без правил” | On the game without rules | CIO | 2009 | Moreq2___www.cio-world.ru_it-market_analytics_478986_(MoReq2_at_Infodocum).pdf
“MoReq: стандартизация документооборота по-европейски” | MoReq: Standardising records management, European-style | Stanislav Makarov | Moreq2___www.bytemag.ru_articles_detail.php_ID=9005.pdf
“Стандарты СЭД: что подойдет России?” | ERMS Standards: What is suitable for Russia? | Natasha Khramtsovsky | Moreq2___www.cnews.ru_reviews_index.shtml_2006_04_21_200355_1.zip
Опыт публичного обсуждения важнейших нормативных документов - на примере спецификаций MoReq2 | “Public Review Process of the MoReq2 Specification”) | Делопроизводство и документооборот на предприятии (“Enterprise Records Management”) | Business Arsenal LLP, Moskau | 2008
Международные технические нормативные правовые акты, регулирующие управление документацией и её безопасностью в организациях | “International norms governing records management and records security in organizations” | Sergey Silkov (С.В.Силков) | “Problems of Legal Informatization” journal | Belarus | 2008
Концептуальная модель новой версии стандарта MoReq | “Conceptual Model of the New Version of MoReq” | Electronic Office Systems LLP | 2008 - Griechisch
“Πρότυπο «MoReq2» για τη διαχείριση ηλεκτρονικών αρχείων” | e-scriptorum blog entry: The MoReq2 Standard for Managing Electronic Records | 2009 | Moreq2_The_MoReq2_Standard_for_Managing_Electronic_Records.ppt - Japanisch
“MoReq2 の完成” | MoReq2 Completion | Daily Searchivist | Moreq2_[jp]__d.hatena.ne.jp_searchivist_20080310.pdf - Isländisch
“Spurningar og svör við Hanns Köhler-Krüner” | Report on question and answer session | Moreq2_[is]__www.irma.is_Vi_C3_B0t_C3_B6l_tabid_872_language_is-IS_De.pdf - Taiwanisch
“電子檔案長期保存策略” | Long-term preservation strategy for electronic records. Presentation from Records Administration Unit, Government of Taiwan | Moreq2_Longer_Term_Pres_pres(CN).ppt - Norwegisch
“Noark-5 og MoReq2″ | Presentasjon av Anne Mette Dørum, Riksarkivet | Moreq2_Dørum.ppt - Slowenisch
“Magistrsko Delo Dolgoročna Dokazila o Verodostojnosti - Elecktronskih Dokumentov v XML Zapisu” | Master’s Thesis by Svetlana Šaljić, University of Ljubljana on Long-Term Evidence of Credibility - Electronic documents in XML format | 2008 | Moreq2_long-term_evidence_of_the_authenticity_of_electronic_documents_in_XML_format.pdf
“MoReq2 in ETZ 2.0″ | Predstavitev Jože škofljanec, Arhiv Republike Slovenije; DOK_SIS 2008 | Moreq2_DOK_SIS_2008_Presentation (SL).pdf - Ungarisch
“A MoReq, MoReq2 és a Keir” | Bemutatását Füzessy Tamás, üzletág igazgató, FreeSoft | Moreq2_DMSLabor_PPT_378.ppt - Portugiesisch
“Aplicação do MoReq ao sistema de Gestão de Arquivos Audiovisuais Digitais do Senado Federal, Brasil” | Do 9° Congresso Nacional de Biblitotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas, Universidade dos Açores (Portugal) | Moreq2_Aplicação_do_MoReq_ao_sistema_do_Senado_do_Brasil.pdf - Weißrussisch
“Международные технические нормативные правовые акты, регулирующие управление документацией и её безопасностью в организациях” | International standards governing records management and records security in organisations | Sergey Silkov | Moreq2_Belarusan_paper.pdf - Estnisch
“Dokumendihalduse koosvõime raamistik” | Framework document from Riigi Infosusteemid | 2009 | Moreq2_DhKv_vr1.0_19.10.09 (EE).doc
DLM/AIIM Industry White Papers on Records, Document and Enterprise Content Management for the Public Sector (2002/2003)
Herausgegeben von PROJECT CONSULT, AIIM International und dem DLM-Forum
- Band 1: Capture, Indexing & Auto-Categorization (SER, Englisch, 2002)
IWP 01 SER PDF - Band 2: Conversion & Document Formats (Hewlett Packard, Englisch, 2002)
IWP 02 HP PDF - Band 3: Content Management (FileNet, Englisch, 2002)
IWP 03 Filenet PDF - Band 4: Access & Protection (IBM, Englisch, 2002)
IWP 04 IBM PDF - Band 5: Availibility & Preservation (Kodak, Englisch, 2002)
IWP 05 Kodak PDF - Band 6: Education, Training & Operation (TRW / UCL / Communicando, Englisch, 2002)
IWP 06 TRW/UCL/comunicando PDF - Band 7: E-Learning & E-Term (PROJECT CONSULT, Deutsch, 2003)
DLM “Code of Best Practice” (1997)
Herausgegeben vom DLM-Forum und der Europäischen Kommission
- Deutsch
Leitlinien für den Umgang im elektronischen Informationen (1997)
Leitlinien PDF - Englisch
Guidelines on best practises for using electronic information (1997)
Guidelines PDF - Französisch
Guide d’ information numérique (1997)
Guide PDF